Svaras: World Leaders in UV Technology
We are Svaras
The foundation of everything we do is research. With a mission to manufacture electronics in India with special emphasis on UV LED-based products for the world. Svaras is India’s leading provider of UV LED technology-based products and solutions.
We provide customized solutions to our customers for electronics and circuit development, IoT, and customized UV modules.
Electronics and Circuit Development
We are a team of expert engineers who can create and test electronic circuits and devices for any purpose...
Our IoT solutions can help you harness the power of data connectivity, cloud computing, analytics, machine learning...
Customized UV Modules
We offer UV-C LED modules for various solutions such as disinfection, curing, sensing, and analysis...
UV-C Lamps Vs. UV-C LEDs
UVC LED and UVC lamps are devices that emit UV light in the UVC range, which is the most effective for disinfection...
UV Curing
UV Curing technology revolutionizes manufacturing processes by providing rapid and efficient curing of various materials...
Photocatalysis, when combined with the exceptional properties of titanium dioxide (TiO2), unlocks a realm of sustainable and eco-friendly applications...
About Us
“Made in India, for the World”
Our journey began with a vision to bring about a change in the way the world approaches sterilization and sanitation, and that is why we create innovative solutions and products that not only cater to the needs of our local communities but also have a global impact.
Proudly made in India, our products and services are designed to contribute to the advancement of various industries worldwide.
Svaras x Global Leaders UV Technology |
How the UVC technology works
Also known as ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVGI), this revolutionary technology uses ultraviolet (UV) light to eliminate or inactivate microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, and molds. These UV lights have a particular wavelength range known as UVC (typically between 200 and 280 nanometers), which is especially effective at eradicating the genetic material of microorganisms, preventing them from reproducing and causing infections.
UV Water Treatment in Rural or Remote Locales
The need for safe, clean, consistently available water grows every day in a world with an increasing population and a dramatically changing
Targeting industrial water treatment Following progress with its ultraviolet, light-emitting diode (UV-C LED) system aimed at water utilities, US company AquiSense Technologies
UV-C LED Technology
What is UV-C? UV (ultraviolet) light is a type of radiation that can be found in the electromagnetic spectrum and is measured